Hey! Thanks for stopping by. Very happy that you are, you could be in any other forsaken corner of the dark web and you chose to drop here. My name is Michael, and I'm a college student currently roughin' it out in Oregon chasing a doctorate in Psychiatry at UO. I also work full time at one of the local hospitals here in Eugene, OR. You're probably wondering how art and photography find a way to fit in with all of that. Well, it does. If I've learned anything since making my hobbies a more serious aspect of life and career, you learn to make time for the things you love.
I've had a passion for art in many forms since I was a small Mike, but it hasn't been until the middle of 2017 where I started looking at what I create with my photography and hand-drawn art and seeing it as something that can be used to enrich not only my own life, but also those who seek a piece of it!